Practice tests for the online Oklahoma School Testing Program assessments are now available online via a web browser. The OSTP assessments will be given starting in April.
Students in grades 3-8 and 11 should use these practice questions to become familiar with the online tools available as well as the formatting of the multiple-choice, constructive response and technology enhanced items. All available online tools are unlocked for the practice questions to allow for students who need accommodations (e.g. text-to-speech). For the actual test, only students with a valid Individualized Educational Plan (IEP), 504 Plan or English Language (EL) accommodation will receive the accommodated online tools.
Please note that the intent of the practice tests is not to predict a student’s performance level on the operational assessment, but to familiarize them with the online platform. Visit the online practice test webpage at Login credentials are not required for the practice test. Use the drop-down menu under “Select a Test” to select one of the practice tests listed below. Then click “Go."
Grades 3-8
OSTP Gr. 3-8 ELA
OSTP Gr. 3-8 Math
OSTP Gr. 5 & 8 Science
OSTP Spanish Gr. 3 - 8 Math
OSTP Spanish Gr. 5 & 8 Science
Grade 11
CCRA Science
CCRA History
CCRA Spanish Science
CCRA Spanish History
Note: If login credentials are requested, clear your browser’s cache and relaunch the practice test webpage.
Students in grade 11 will also take the ACT with Writing. ACT provides students with ACT resources on their website, which includes information on preparing for the ACT, setting up MyACT Account, tips for taking the ACT and practice tests. In addition, practice test in English and Spanish can be downloaded here.
Parent, Student & Teacher Guides
Grade 5: English Language Arts, Math and Science - English | Spanish
Grade 8: English Language Arts, Math and Science - English | Spanish
More testing resources can also be found on the Oklahoma Office of Assessments website.
Please contact the school site's counseling office for more information about the upcoming assessments.