Health Services
The goal of the Health Services Department at Broken Arrow Public Schools is to ensure schoolwide well-being and academic success of Broken Arrow students by promoting health and safety, intervening when students or staff experience health related issues, providing case management services, and facilitating positive student responses to normal growth and development.
Immunization Requirements
Oklahoma requires all students entering into kindergarten to have the following immunizations:
5 – DTP/DTaP
4 – Polio
2 – MMR
2 - Hepatitis A
3 – Hepatitis B
1 – Varicella (Chicken Pox)
The State of Oklahoma also requires all students entering seventh grade receive one Tdap booster for immunization against tetanus, diphtheria and acellular pertussis. Parents/guardians are encouraged to contact their child’s healthcare provider to arrange for this immunization. Please do not confuse the mandated Tdap booster with other required childhood vaccinations.
Students entering the seventh grade will need to provide their school with a copy of their immunization record showing completion of the Tdap booster any time prior to schedule pickup. Students will not be allowed to pick up their schedules unless the school has a copy on file.
For more information about immunizations, please visit www.ok.gov/health.