Gifted & Talented
Broken Arrow Public Schools is committed to providing opportunities that promote the growth of skills, knowledge and understanding necessary for students to reach their full potential. Through this commitment, the best possible student outcomes are achieved.
There are students whose abilities require differentiated programs for the full development of their general intellectual ability, specific academic ability, thinking skills, leadership ability, and performance or productive ability.
Grades 3-5
Enrichment is a broad-based program that consists of a variety of options for elementary school gifted students.
Students are identified in second grade using a National Normed Abilities Test, which is administered in the spring.
Identified students in grades 3-5 are placed in cluster groups within heterogeneous classrooms.
Gifted learner's needs are met primarily through curriculum differentiation by classroom teachers.
G.A.T.E Specialists serve as coaches to provide resources for cluster teachers, work with gifted students during weekly pull-out times, and provide small group instruction in and out of the classroom.
Questions? Please contact Jennifer Peterson.
Grades 6-12
Unique patterns of individual characteristics, interest, aptitudes, abilities and values indicate that secondary schools should offer many choices to the intellectually gifted.
Students identified as gifted at the middle school level may select from a variety of honor courses. These courses emphasize strategic reasoning, creative and critical thinking skills, and cooperative learning strategies. Advanced course work will differ in pace, breadth and depth.
At the high school level (grades 9-12), students identified as gifted will select from a variety of options. Their coursework may include Pre-AP classes and/or AP classes. Both Pre-AP and AP classes will emphasize strategic reasoning, creative and critical thinking skills, and cooperative learning strategies. Advanced coursework will differ in pace, breadth and depth.
Questions? Please contact Tony Sappington.