Research Opportunities
Conducting Research and Evaluation in Broken Arrow Public Schools
Broken Arrow Public Schools welcomes and encourages outside educational agencies, institutions and individuals to conduct school-based research projects that are designed to contribute to the improvement of student achievement.
The district recognizes the importance of valid and meaningful research, however, the first responsibility of the district is the education of its students currently enrolled. Therefore, any cooperation in research endeavors by individuals or institutions from outside the district must occur in the context of this primary obligation and in conformity with all applicable legal restraints.
All proposals for conducting research within BAPS should be submitted to the District Research Review Committee. The Research Review Committee consists of a chair and two or more additional BAPS staff members. When applicable, additional members will be the principal(s) of the school(s) in which research is being conducted.
The district will consider research requests from responsible researchers representing recognized educational or private agencies to conduct a study that meets the following criteria:
Shows evidence of careful planning, including a thorough review of related literature to assure that the question proposed for study has not already been answered by previous research.
Offers promise for improving teaching and learning in the classroom or for otherwise increasing the quality of public school education.
Is not offensive to the values and standards of the district.
Does not require the involuntary participation of students or employees, makes no undue demands upon their time, and poses no serious interruption to the regular school program.
Is in accordance with the laws of Oklahoma, makes available for inspection by the parents of participating students all instructional material, including textbooks, teachers’ manuals, curriculum guides, pamphlets, films, tapes, computer programs or any other items to be used in the project.
Is planned well in advance to avoid conflicts in scheduling. (For example, requests to gather data during state testing or after May 1st will not be approved.)
In conformity with the Family Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, does not require access to employee or student records that identify the individual without a signed release from the employee or from the parent/guardian of the student. Even with such authorized release, the confidentiality of personal data regarding pupils or employees is to be strictly maintained.
As prescribed by state law, does not require any student to submit to psychiatric or psychological examination, testing or treatment, unless prior written consent has been granted by the parent or guardian. Nor without such consent shall any survey, questionnaire or examination be used to elicit from any student information of a personal nature concerning religious beliefs, mental or psychological problems potentially embarrassing to the student or his family, sexual behavior and attitudes, critical appraisals of other individuals with whom the student has had a close family relationship, or legally recognized privileged communication.
Involves no expense to the district.
Will be conducted under the supervision of the Deputy Superintendent of Instructional Services or designee.
In the case of a graduate student, the proposed research must be for a dissertation, thesis or final master’s research paper. Requests by undergraduate students or requests by graduate students to gather data for a single course will not be considered.
For more information or to submit a request, please email Nikkoli Keigley, administrative assistant to the Deputy Superintendent, at email Nikkoli Keigley or call 918-259-5700.