Honors and Advanced Placement Program
Broken Arrow Public Schools offers many classes that focus on advanced curriculum and provide students with postsecondary learning experiences while they are in high school, allowing students to earn college credit in some instances. These opportunities include honors courses, Pre-Advanced Placement (Pre-AP) courses and Advanced Placement (AP) courses. Honors courses are offered to students in grades 6-8 while Pre-AP and AP classes are offered to students in grades 9-12.
Honors Courses (grades 6-8)
Broken Arrow Public Schools offers advanced/honors courses to meet the academic needs of all students in grades 6-8. In order to meet the course performance expectations students need to have advanced skills in math and/or reading. A combination of test scores, student grades and teacher recommendations from previous years is used to determine if a student is eligible and the likelihood of success in these courses.
Below is information and links to the core advanced/honors subjects. The middle school course planning guide listed on this webpage can be referenced for a list of current courses that is offered at BAPS
Pre-AP and AP Program Overview (grades 9-12)
Any student may enroll in Pre-Advanced Placement (Pre-AP) courses if they meet the designated prerequisites.
The Advanced Placement (AP) is a program developed and overseen by the College Board. This program is a cooperative educational endeavor among secondary schools, colleges and universities. It allows high school students to undertake college-level academic learning in AP courses. It also affords them the opportunity to show that they have mastered the advanced material by taking AP exams at the end of the course. Scores range from 1- 5. A score of 3 or higher on an AP exam can typically earn students college credit and/or placement into advanced courses in participating colleges and universities.
Explore AP and Big Future are two sites within College Board that can help students and parents make informed decisions about which classes to take.
AP courses, offered at Broken Arrow Public Schools in grades 10-12, make substantial academic demands on students. Students are required to do outside reading and complete other assignments as well, demonstrating the analytical skills and writing ability expected of first-year students in strong college programs.