Technology Services
210 N. Main Street | 918-259-7400
The Technology Services Department of Broken Arrow Schools oversees and creates an infrastructure to enhance technology for more than 19,000 students and 2,000+ employees. By providing students and staff members with access to innovative state-of-the-art technology equipment and training, the technology department supports devices as well as miles of fiber optic lines and wireless access points districtwide.
Due to the district’s one-to-one computer program with Google Chromebooks provided to students in grades 8-12, the technology department has implemented digital instruction and curriculum initiatives that require student access to online testing and research capabilities. The department also manages the parent online portal known as Home Access Center and the student digital learning platform known as Canvas.
With student and employee safety being top priority at Broken Arrow Public Schools, the technology department implemented security cameras at all school sites while also increasing cybersecurity measures. The district was chosen as a national award winner competing against universities, community colleges and K-12 districts for the 2016 Center for Digital Government’s Cybersecurity Leadership and Innovation Award.
This department also oversees student data management and enrollment services.
For more information, please contact:
Email Ashley Bowser, Chief Technology Officer
Email Ali Shehada, Executive Director of Infrastructure Services
Email Bridget Powell - Executive Director of Enrollment
Email Amanda Davis-Summers, Executive Director of Information Services
Email Aaron Vogt, IT Technician Supervisor