Family Resources
Emergency Basic Needs Service Agencies
2-1-1 of Eastern Oklahoma: Call 2-1-1 for live help
Broken Arrow Neighbors: 918-251-7781
Arms Around BA: 918-258-7714
Eastern Oklahoma Catholic Charities: 918-994-1451
Crisis Services
COPES 24-hour Crisis Line: 918-744-4800
CREOKS Children and Adolescents Crisis Services: 1-877-327-3657
Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741
Mental Health Association of Oklahoma: 918-585-1213
Intervention Services
Domestic Violence Intervention Services: 918-743-5763
Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-522-3511
Youth Services of Tulsa: 918-582-0061
Low-Income Support
DHS Benefits: 405-522-5050
SoonerCare: 1-800-987-7767
Child Care Resource Center: 918-585-5551
Affordable Connectivity Program: 877-384-2575
Bus Rider Eligibility
Students residing over 1.5 miles from their home school are eligible for transportation.
Eligibility for any student to ride a bus is conditional on good behavior and abiding by the bus rules and student handbook.
Bus Stops and Routing
Buses are authorized to stop only at established stops on the bus route. Except for emergencies, the bus driver is not allowed to alter his/her established route.
In establishing bus stops, safety is the first consideration. Stops are created at a location that allow students to wait off the main roadway for buses, if at all possible.
If a bus route exists for your child, transportation may take up to one week to be established. If a bus stop does not exist you will be given a temporary bus stop until one can be created for you.
Bus route information is available online at: Transportation. If you are unable to retrieve your bus route information please email babus@baschools.org.
Special Needs Transportation Services
If your child has an IEP and receives transportation, you will be contacted about your route and to schedule a “meet and greet.”