Be Here BA – Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow
Did you know . . . ?
Missing 10 percent or more of school days due to absence for any reason can translate into third graders unable to master reading, sixth graders failing subjects and ninth graders dropping out of high school.
Absenteeism is a problem as early as Pre-K and kindergarten. Building the habit of attendance in the early grades can influence a student’s chances of graduating high school.
90 percent of success is just showing up. Every day that a student is absent is a lost opportunity for learning.
Missing just two days a month constitutes a 10 percent absence rate, which means these students are academically at risk.
Being in school ensures all children have the opportunity to learn, flourish and recognize their dreams.
One of the greatest barriers to success is not attending school. The best way to help kids get a good start in life is getting them started on attending school every day.
Employees without a diploma make an average of 28 percent less than high school graduates.
When do absences become a problem?
Chronic Absence – 18 or more days
Warning Signs – 10 to 17 days
Satisfactory – 9 or fewer
These numbers assume a 180-day school year.
How can you help?
For more information, visit Attendance Works or Impact Tulsa.