Rendering of Sequoyah Middle School

As part of the 2015 bond issue passed last February, phase one of the four part project includes a new elementary school, Sequoyah Middle School expansions and renovations, Broken Arrow High School additions and Kirkland Field construction.

New Elementary School – With more than half of BAPS’ growth at the elementary school level, the district is building Broken Arrow’s 15th  elementary school located at 209 E. Ave., just north of 71st Street. This site could accommodate up to 900 students. Amenities will include a media center, full-size gymnasium, music room, art room, science room and a tornado safe room. Construction is planned to begin May 2016 and be completed by the 2017-18 school year.

Sequoyah Middle School Expansion and Renovation – With construction planned to begin by May 2016, Sequoyah Middle School will see many additions and renovations, including a new, larger cafeteria and fine arts space. The old cafeteria will be converted to a media center and is located near the front of the school. The fine arts space will provide a tornado safe room. The school’s interior will also be completely remodeled and brought up to current ADA accessibility requirements.

Broken Arrow High School Addition – BAPS is still in the early stages of the design process for adding classrooms to the high school campus. The construction division is currently in the process of surveying the property and finding the most cost-effective location for an addition. Construction is expected to begin in the fall of 2016.

Kirkland Activity Complex – The site formerly used as North Intermediate High School will be repurposed with special recognition given to its historical significance in the district. Plans include renovations to the current auditorium and gymnasium. Kirkland Field will be repurposed as the Kirkland Soccer Complex. In January, the bleachers at the stadium were sold through a bidding process and those have now been removed. The classroom buildings, which could not be repurposed due to extensive structural, environmental and safety issues, will be removed in the fall of 2016.