Rendering of new STEM building.

As part of the second phase of its 2015 bond issue, Broken Arrow Public Schools will begin construction this spring on its state-of-the-art STEM innovation building and vocational agriculture center. This facility will be located on the property behind Casey’s General Store on Albany and County Line. It is expected to open for the 2021-22 school year.

“This center will allow students to engage in instruction and activities relating to all things STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics),” Broken Arrow Public Schools Executive Director of Construction Bob Tolomeo said. “In an effort to truly capture what programming will exist within the building, we are consistently conversing with a committee of students and staff members to make sure we are meeting their needs.”

The site will include a number of labs, a makerspace, a workshop, a build shop, numerous outdoor classrooms and more. In addition, the vocational agriculture center will include animal pens and show barns for those students pursuing careers in agricultural production, agribusiness and other agricultural related occupations.

Academic programming, including the grade levels this facility will accommodate, is still being discussed.

This project is being made possible by the passage of the 2015 bond issue. These bond funds allow us to add classrooms to accommodate growing enrollment, expand and update our facilities and add technology to the classroom.