Oklahoma required immunizations

The state of Oklahoma law requires immunizations based upon the following age/grade level:

Required immunizations for pre-kindergarten students: 

  • DTap/DTP - 4

  • Varicella - 1

  • OPV/IPV - 3

  • HEP B - 3

  • MMR - 1

  • HEP A  - 2

Required immunizations for kindergarten through 12th grade students:

  • DTap/DPT - 5

  • Varicella - 1

  • OPV/IPV - 4

  • HEP B - 3

  • MMR - 2

  • HEP A - 2

  • Tdap - 1 for students entering 7th grade

Please note that not every state requires HEP A, which means your child may not have received the immunization if you are moving to Oklahoma from another state. Visit Hepatitis A Vaccine Requirements for Childcare and School (Kg–Gr 12) to determine if your state required the HEP A. 

Please visit the Oklahoma State Department of Health for more information about immunizations.