2023 Bond
On Tuesday, Nov. 14 voters will have the opportunity to cast their vote in the 2023 bond election to invest $52 million in Broken Arrow Public Schools over the next five years. The ballot will contain four separate questions for voters to consider:
Proposition 1: Operations - $48 million
Prioritize technology, enhance security and improve transportation
Proposition 2: Transportation - $4 million
Add buses
Proposition 3: Classroom additions - No new money
Add classrooms at existing sites rather than build another new elementary
Proposition 4: Aquatic Center location - No new money
Give flexibility to construct the pool in a different location than Kirkland Activities Complex; no change in project amount from 2015 bond
The first two propositions are new questions for the voters to consider, while the last two are reconsiderations from the 2015 bond. All four questions require a 60% voter approval rate to pass, and there will be NO TAX INCREASE if approved.