Tulsa Tech
Tulsa Tech is the oldest and largest technology center in Oklahoma’s nationally-acclaimed CareerTech system. Tulsa Tech provides affordable, industry-standard technical training in an engaging, innovative learning environment where students benefit from instructors with years of valuable industry experience. Tulsa Tech offers a wide range of opportunities to prepare Broken Arrow students for a successful career.
Broken Arrow students in grades 9 or 10 can enroll in Intro to Engineering and/or Foundations of Manufacturing on the Broken Arrow High School campus. These classes are taught by a Tulsa Tech instructor.
Students in grades 10-12 can apply to Tulsa Tech and are able to attend up to three class periods on any local Tulsa Tech campus. Seniors can apply for a full-time program, and tuition is free for one full-time program until the age of 23 by applying for the Accelerating Independence Scholarship.
A TulsaTech representative is available for student advisement on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday in the Broken Arrow High School College and Career Center.
More information can also be found at Tulsa Tech Website or by contacting Tulsa Tech Career Advisor Justin Edsel at 918-828-5233.