Tuition Reimbursement for Certified Staff
Tuition Reimbursement Application for Certified Staff
In accordance with the negotiated agreement, the following purpose, eligibility and policies have been adopted for reimbursement to certified personnel actively employed by the district at the time of class attendance and reimbursement due dates of the current school year. The Higher Education Reimbursement Program provides reimbursement to certified personnel enrolled in an accredited institution to increase such employee’s expertise in his or her area of work.
Eligibility Requirements:
Eligibility is limited to active, full-time certified personnel. Administrators are not eligible for this program at this time.
Employees must be currently employed with the district at the beginning and completion of each applied course.
Employees must be employed on the reimbursement pay date.
The reimbursement application must be received by the tuition desk by the specified semester due date. Paper (hard copy) application forms are no longer accepted. Please use link above or request form from tuition@baschools.org.
The educational institution must be a NATIONALLY ACCREDITED UNIVERSITY to be considered for reimbursement.
Only courses toward one advanced degree per educational level while utilizing this program (masters or doctorate) and full credit for each course will be eligible for reimbursement.
If the employee is deemed eligible, an approved copy of the reimbursement application will be returned to him/her. A tuition reimbursement committee will review the applications for eligibility.
Reimbursement Policy:
Reimbursements per semester will be distributed amongst approved eligible applicants. An annual fund, divided into 33 percent semester increments, has been established for this purpose. Reimbursement is not to exceed the employee’s out-of-pocket tuition expenses. If requests exceed the semester increments and/or the annual fund, then the district will prorate the reimbursement rate.
Employee Responsibility for Reimbursement:
Employee must submit completed applications with verification of tuition charges by the due date specified on the application to tuition@baschools.org.
Provide verification of tuition charges and evidence of credit for each course completed (i.e. detailed tuition receipts, proof of payment with a zero balance AND copy of transcript, and/or grade sheet).
If you have any questions pertaining to the Educational Assistance Program, please contact 918-259-5700 and ask for the finance department.