Picture of Broken Arrow Public Schools' students.

Title III (EL, Immigrant, Bilingual Programs)

The Title III program at Broken Arrow Public Schools provides high quality, research-based English language instruction as well as cultural and community support in order to engage English Learners (EL), bilingual and immigrant students in grades Pre-K through 12. Broken Arrow Public Schools' students represent more than 50 different countries and 57 different languages.

EL Parental Rights and Responsibilities 

  • You have the right to understand your child’s level of English proficiency.

  • You have the right to understand the EL program in your child’s school.

  • You have the right to remove your child from the recommended support service.

  • You have the responsibility to make sure your child attends school regularly.

  • You have the responsibility to support your child’s education at home by reading to your child, talking with your child about school (either in your first language or in English) and encouraging your child to complete homework assignments. 

Research shows that children who are literate in their first language perform better in school than children who are not literate in their first language. Please continue to interact with your children in your first language and to encourage them to become bilingual.