School Boundaries
Oklahoma school district boundaries are set by law. Within the district, there are boundaries set for three early childhood centers, 16 elementary schools, five middle schools, a freshman academy and a high school. Students are placed in schools according to attendance boundaries for each school. Exceptions require an approved intra-district transfer, which are granted only under certain conditions permitted by board policy 4400.
Broken Arrow Public Schools continues to experience growth at a rate of about 3 percent per year, with more than half of this growth taking place at the elementary level. Thankfully, Broken Arrow patrons continue to support our students by passing bond issues that support academic achievement through investments in instruction, technology and facilities.
Boundary maps are as follows:
Early Childhood Schools (pdf)
Elementary Schools (pdf)
Middle Schools (pdf) for school year 2024-25
Middle Schools (pdf) for school year 2025-26
District Schools Location Map (pdf)
For more information regarding where specific addresses fall within the site boundaries or to find out more information about enrollment-related questions, please contact the enrollment office by submitting service ticket or 918-259-7400.