Picture of BAPS' students

Plant Operations

1810 W. Detroit | 918-259-4560 | Fax: 918-251-0210

Charles Abbott, Director of Custodial / Plant Operations

Ashley Lewis, Director Secretary

Brandon Dewey, Senior Warehouse / Plant Operations Coordinator

Johnnie Diacon, Warehouse Lead

Tim Eschenbacher, Custodial Specialist

Dante Navarro, Evening Custodial Coordinator

Michael Mendoza, Custodial Night Supervisor

Bill Snyder, Custodial Night Supervisor

Shelby Stith, Custodial Night Supervisor


“Provide clean and presentable facilities that leave a positive lasting impression.”


To meet a variety of daily custodial needs of our campuses in a timely manner. Our employees provide an array of functions that are vital to daily campus operations; including cleaning, event set-up, recycling, furniture moves and property retrieval. Employees provide our most important resource and with their contribution we strive to meet the changing needs of our campuses, enhance customer satisfaction, and endeavor to improve our service.


  • Building Security

All building doors and windows are locked nightly. Custodians keep a watchful eye on campus buildings and quickly report any suspicious activity to supervisors or the police; this helps reduce incidents of vandalism, vagrancy and theft. However, custodians are not to give access to the campus community unless authorized.

  • Building Maintenance

Custodians ensure that their buildings receive immediate attention from Maintenance staff when situations such as broken water pipes, power outages, and stuck elevators, backed up drains or broken light occur.

  • Student and Guest Assistance

Custodians offer directions to lost patrons, new students and campus visitors.

  • Faculty and Staff Assistance

Through work orders custodians facilitate requests for special cleaning, floor work and carpet cleaning, setting up for functions and special events.