Career Pathways
Broken Arrow Public Schools aligns with Career Tech and higher education degree programs to create career pathways for Broken Arrow students. Career pathways are an integrated collection of curriculum and programs that provide students with a roadmap for future success and an easy-to-read plan of study based on their interests.
Research proves that students are more likely to succeed beyond high school and easily transition to post-secondary education or the workforce when dialed into a career pathway. Starting as early as 6th grade, Broken Arrow Public Schools provides students with project-based learning opportunities to explore all aspects of various career interest areas in peer groups. As part of this program, the district provides options for students to choose courses that provide the most benefit as they transition into high school, a college major or degree, technical certification or desired occupation in the workforce.
These pathways are designed through a collaboration with colleges and career tech programs, economic development agencies and local Broken Arrow employers to ensure students are learning the skills most needed to be best qualified for available job opportunities. In addition, local partners provide feedback and suggestions for potential changes to courses or skills to add as workforce needs and demands evolve. Additional pathways will form as partnerships with local businesses and colleges are built.
Contact your counselor for more information on finding your career pathway.