Logo & Trademark
The Broken Arrow Public Schools logo represents the district as a whole. It is our seal of approval and a promise of quality. Whether seen onscreen, in print or on apparel, the logo MUST be presented clearly and consistently.
According to Board of Education Policy 2070, trademarks, service marks, trade name logos, and/or symbols of Broken Arrow Public Schools, including but not limited to the name “Broken Arrow Public Schools” and “Broken Arrow Tigers” are registered trademarks with the Oklahoma Secretary of State, and their usage is restricted by law. Any use must have prior written approval from Broken Arrow Public Schools.
Any unauthorized use of trademarks, logos or verbiage (registered by or identified with Broken Arrow Public Schools) constitutes a violation of Oklahoma laws governing trademark infringement and unfair competition. Oklahoma law permits the owner of a trademark to obtain injunctive relief restraining further infringement; money damages, including disgorgement of profits derived from the wrongful sale of trademarked merchandise; and an order requiring destruction of any such counterfeits or imitations in the offender’s possession.
Please note: Logos may be sized appropriately for specific use. Care should be taken that the proportions are not altered. The logo should never be stretched, skewed, or filled with a pattern or image. The logo may not be reproduced in anything outside of the official colors and may not be positioned over a distracting background. When using the district logo, it should be surrounded by a proportional amount of free space to ensure visibility. The free space should not be invaded by any design element.
For questions or design help, please contact the district’s communication team at Email BA Communications