Research & Resources
As each subcommittee dives deep into their specific area of research, committee members are finding and sharing resources that can help guide discussions and present additional data from other schools across the nation:
4-Day School Week May Yield Mental Health Benefits for Life School Students and Families
4-Day School Weeks: New Research Examines the Benefits and Drawbacks
Oklahoma State Department of Health: Impact of a four-day week on Student Academic Performance
Research suggests the impact of four-day school weeks varies across student groups and locations
The interesting effects 4-day weeks may have on school climate
Research suggests impacts of a condensed schedule vary by student group, school type
4-Day School Weeks and Their Surprising Effect on Teacher Turnover
What Happened When One of the First Large School Districts Adopted a Four-Day Week
Have an article you'd like to see added to the list, please send it to and it will be added to this list.