PANTONE | 4515
CMYK | 0, 9, 50, 24
RGB | 203, 182, 119
HEX | CBB677
Colors & Fonts
Broken Arrow Public Schools has three official colors in which it uses. They are of equal importance to the brand as the district logo. Vegas Gold and Process Black are the district’s primary colors. Anthracite Gray can be used as an accent color. Please note that Vegas Gold can pull a green or brown tint in some applications. Please ensure our gold is produced with accuracy according to the material on which it is printed.

PANTONE | Process Black C
CMYK | 0, 0, 0, 100
RGB | 39, 37, 31
HEX | 27251F

CMYK | 0, 0, 0, 77
RGB | 95, 96, 98
HEX | 5F6062
Helvetica & Myriad Pro are the primary fonts for the district. When those are not available, we suggest utilizing Arial, Tahoma, Verdana, Baskerville, Georgia or Garamond.
For questions, please contact the district’s communication team at Email BA Communications.