Career Exploration
How do we expect young people to dream if they don’t know what they can dream about? At Broken Arrow Public Schools, career exploration is important at every grade level. Opportunities for career exploration give students broader exposure to the working world they will one day enter. It helps them “connect the dots” between school and career in ways that keep them motivated to graduate with the skills they will need for the future.
Beginning in elementary school, students are introduced to different careers through guest readers, speakers, career days, interest assessments and more. At the middle school level, all Broken Arrow students engage in an Individual Career Academic Plan (ICAP). This student-driven process takes places throughout the rest of their high school career and enables them to understand their values and learning styles and create a vision of future career goals. Exposing students to broad career fields will help them make informed decisions about high school course selection and post-graduation pathways.
For more information about career exploration opportunities, please contact your school site.