Capital Improvements
The capital improvement department handles all bond projects for Broken Arrow Public Schools. This includes everything from purchasing the land, coordinating the design, competitively bidding the project, supervising the construction, and furnishing and opening the facility. The mission of the department is to coordinate the processes necessary to meet district goals for new construction; to provide a positive, functional and healthy school environment for students, faculty, staff and the community; and to prepare for the future growth and development of educational facilities in a cost effective manner. This department serves as a liaison between the district and architects, engineers, construction managers and contractors.
The department also coordinates regularly with the City of Broken Arrow, Tulsa and Wagoner County to continue fostering good communication and collaborative efforts that benefit Broken Arrow.
Contact Us
For more information, please contact:
Michael Leitch, Director of Construction
210 N. Main St.
Phone: 918-259-7417
Email Mr. Leitch