Become a District Vendor
To become a vendor for Broken Arrow Public Schools, the following forms need to be completed and returned to the district's purchasing department, located at the Education Service Center, 701 S. Main Street, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, 74012.
1. New Vendor Request (pdf) form:
Please download the form to your computer, complete and save. Email form to Please include in your email the name of the BAPS employee who is requesting your vendor status. A vendor status will not be given if there is no purchase currently pending.
2. Product and Service (pdf) form:
This form gives the district a current product list and will ensure each vendor is placed in the proper category according to their product line(s).
3. Please complete and return a W-9 (pdf).
4. If doing business on school property, please complete the Felony Compliance Affidavit (pdf) and return.
Please correct all invoice submission addresses to central office at: 701 S Main St., Attn: Finance, Broken Arrow, OK 74012 and add as the required email address for all electronic vendor documents.
Have an invoice to send to Accounts Payable? Please use to submit all invoices to our District.
Read information about Broken Arrow Public Schools' 3rd party accounts payable.