Address the Board
Public comment may take one of two forms: comment concerning items that are on the current agenda or comment concerning issues not on the current agenda. Those wishing to address the board on either topic should complete the following steps:
Complete the appropriate form which is available in-person before the board meeting. Unless otherwise posted, all Board Meetings take place at 6 pm at the Education Service Center at 701 S. Main.
Present the completed form to the Board Minutes Clerk or President of the Board 30 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.
Individuals or groups wishing to address the board must be physically present at the meeting during the portion of the meeting at which they will be called to speak.
When called to present, the speaker will observe the time limit appropriate for their comments:
According to board policy 1230, persons desiring to address an item on the agenda will be called upon following presentation and discussion of that topic by the Board. Comments concerning an agenda topic are limited to five minutes.
According to board policy 1230, persons desiring to address the Board on a topic that is not included in the agenda will be called upon during the "Comments from the Public" section of the agenda. Comments on a topic that is not listed in the agenda are limited to three minutes. Board members are not legally able to respond to questions or comments made during this section.
A time allocation, not to exceed 20 minutes at a meeting, shall be provided for the "Comments from the Public" agenda item. The President of the Board shall advise the audience at the beginning of the "Comments from the Public" agenda item of the policy concerning the procedure to be observed. A single spokesman will be selected by groups or organizations desiring to address the Board under the "Comments From the Public" agenda topic in order to avoid hearing repetitious information.
Speakers shall not be permitted to participate in gossip, make defamatory comments, or use abusive or vulgar language. Speakers shall be advised that comments must be limited to items that directly relate to Broken Arrow Public Schools. The President of the Board will maintain the prerogative to discontinue any presentation that violates any of the public participation guidelines.
Patrons who wish to request an item be placed on a future agenda are encouraged to contact the Office of the Superintendent of Schools before 5 p.m. on the Tuesday preceding the Board meeting to insure consideration of the topic on the regular agenda.
View the Board of Education calendar of all upcoming Board meetings.