Health Office

If you have a question or concern, please don’t hesitate to contact the health office at 918-259-4370.

Meningococcal Disease

To meet state requirements we are required to provide yearly information about Meningococcal Disease which is located on our district website under the Parents tab in the Health Services section.

T-dap Immunization Requirement for current 6th graders to enter 7th grade

Beginning with the 2011-12 school year, incoming 7th grade students are required to show proof of the T-dap Booster prior to schedule pick-up. Parents of current 6th grade students, please present documentation of your child’s T-dap (Tee-dap) vaccine to our school's nurse as soon as the vaccine is administered. See the following for information related to immunization requirements:

T-DAP Immunization Requirements

Medication Policy

If your child needs medication during school hours, required paperwork will need to be completed. A copy of the Broken Arrow medication policy can be obtained through the nurse’s office.  “As needed” medications, such as inhalers also require Parent/Physician permission forms. Please remember that no student should be self-administering medication at school without prior approval through the nurse’s office. Any medication sent to school must be brought to the nurse’s office upon the student’s arrival to school. It must be in the original container accompanied by a note from the parent/guardian.

Illness Policy

Students with fever of 100 degrees or higher, vomiting, or diarrhea may not return to school until they are fever/symptom free for 24 hours.