Health Office
Leanna Fish is the nurse at Oneta Ridge Middle School. If you have a question or concern, please do not hesitate to call Nurse Fish.
Nurse Fish can be reached at 918-259-4360, or you may contact her by email,
Procedure for student health office visits
Students will be encouraged to remain in their classrooms unless they have one of the following medical emergencies: "the 4 B's" - Bleeding, Barfing, Broken bones or Breathing issues. Other student ailments may be addressed on the students' time, during passing periods. No student will be denied medical attention. This process was implemented to reduce the number of students requesting nurse visits for unnecessary reasons. Thank you for your understanding in this matter. Please contact an administrator or the school nurse if you have additional questions.
School Policies
Medication Policy
If your child needs medication during school hours, required paperwork will need to be completed. A copy of the Broken Arrow medication policy can be obtained through the health office. All medications must be in the original container, have a parent note, and brought to the nurse office first thing of the morning. Students should not be self-administering medication without prior approval from the health office. Please contact school nurse for any questions or concerns.
Emergency Form (H-14)
All students must have on file an emergency form (H-14) each year, the form will be handed to students the first week of school. Parents please complete this form as soon as you can.
Sick Policy
Students whom are sick with a fever of 100.0 or vomiting are not allowed to return to school until symptom free for 24 hours, please refer to the student handbook.
Tdap immunization requirement
Incoming 7th grade students are required to show proof of the T-dap booster prior to schedule pick-up. Parents of current 6th grade students, please present documentation of your child’s Tdap (Tee-dap) vaccine to the school nurse as soon as vaccine is administered.
Please click here for more information related to immunization requirements.
Questions? Please call the school nurse at 918-259-4360, ext. 2725.