Oliver Middle School counselors will present enrollment information to current 6th and 7th graders during World Geography classes March 3 & 4 in preparation for the next school year.
Enrollment cards were given to students for them to complete, take home to review course selections with parent, have parents sign and return the enrollment card back to their world geography teacher by Monday, March 10. Sixth graders will receive a yellow enrollment card, while seventh graders will receive a green enrollment card. This deadline is important, as students will be utilizing their completed, and signed, enrollment form to input requests into their Academic Planner on Infinite Campus.
The middle school course planning guide has been created to help students and parents choose middle school courses. The following video playlists & presentations were created to help families become familiar with the enrollment process and courses at OMS:
If you have questions about course selections, please contact Oliver's counselors:
Kim Sullivan – serving students with last name A-K
Kalyn Miller – serving students with last names L-Z
Angie Martin, counseling secretary