Dear Parents/Guardians,

Broken Arrow Public Schools is now beginning enrollment of 9th grade students for the 2025-2026 school year. On Tuesday, January 21st  your child will attend an enrollment presentation with the Freshman Academy counselors during the school day and will receive an enrollment card. In order to complete the enrollment process, a parent/guardian and the student will need to schedule an appointment to review selected courses, receive information regarding graduation requirements and submit the enrollment card.

Oliver Middle School families will meet with counselors on Thursday, January 23rd, 2025. Please visit the link or use the QR code below to schedule your appointment. Appointments are offered from 8:20am to 7pm in 10-minute increments, and will be held at Oliver. You must bring your drivers license and check in at our School Safe ID kiosk. Students will be called out of class to join their families for the enrollment meetings.

Oliver Sign Up Link <- Click Here

Please see below for additional enrollment information.