Picture of Northeastern State University

Early College Academy is currently accepting applications for a new class of approximately 120 freshman students for the 2025-26 school year.

This program allows freshmen to take high school level courses in preparation for beginning college classes in 11 or 12 grade. Students can complete at least their first year of college or even earn their associate degree at the same time that they are finishing high school graduation requirements.

This program also saves parents money for college and increases first generation college attendees.

Additional student benefits of Early College Academy, housed on the Northeastern State University-Broken Arrow campus, include peer/study groups, a smaller learning environment, ease of college enrollment, easier transition after high school, increase in college grades and more focused support for college entrance scores.

All courses will be taught by Broken Arrow teachers. Students in athletics and fine arts are able to participate and still meet necessary requirements. An essay is required to submit with the online application. All applications will be due Friday, Feb. 21.

Please review the following for more information:

ECA students can participate in fine arts and athletic elective options.

For more information, please contact Early College Academy at 918-449-6184 or applyforECA@baschools.org.