Class offerings were built based on student enrollment requests made during spring enrollment and are subject to change following the enrollment period. Schedule changes may only be granted in the case of a scheduling error. An alternative and/or available course may have been used if a requested course was not available. Second semester schedule change requests will not be considered at this time. Schedule changes will only be considered utilizing this online request form.

The schedule concerns form will be active until Tuesday, Aug. 20. Schedule change requests will not be accepted after this date.

Students may request a schedule correction for the following reasons ONLY:

  • There is not a class every hour on their schedule

  • They are enrolled in a class they have already taken

  • They are NOT correctly academically placed (e.g. enrolled in an Honors class & should be in an on-level class, or vice versa)

  • There are missing core classes (Science, Math, English, Social Studies)

  • There are duplicate classes (e.g. has 2 Math classes, more than 2 elective classes, etc.)

  • They requested band, orchestra, or choir & are not enrolled in that class; or vice versa

Schedule corrections will NOT be permitted for:

  • A teacher change

  • A class period change

  • Being placed into an elective class that was not selected by the student on the spring enrollment form

Counselors will send a message to the email provided on the form to notify the student and/or parent of the request status. Parent approval is required for all schedule changes.