Picture of Tdap Vaccine.

The State of Oklahoma requires all students entering the 7th grade to receive one Tdap booster for immunization against tetanus, diphtheria and acellular pertussis.

Parents/guardians are encouraged to contact their child’s healthcare provider to arrange for this immunization. Please do not confuse the mandated Tdap booster with other required childhood vaccinations. If the student has already received the Tdap vaccination booster, he/she will not require an additional vaccination.

Students currently in 6th grade can now begin to receive the Tdap immunization. After receiving the Tdap, please provide Nurse Waits with the proper documentation of the immunization. Please contact Nurse Waits at dwaits@baschools.org for any questions.

Immunization Exemption

A child, through his parent or guardian, may apply for an exemption by submitting a form to the Department of Health. The school shall maintain a copy of the approved application in the child’s records. All exemptions submitted prior to a student entering 7th grade shall expire at the end of the student’s 6th grade year. A new exemption (English, Spanish) is required to be completed and submitted to the Oklahoma State Department of Health by the parent or guardian prior to child entering into the 7th grade.