Mentoring Healthy Parents Program

Mentoring Healthy Parents helps pregnant and parenting teens complete high school, deliver healthy babies, and gain valuable parenting and life skills. This program is dedicated to providing young teen families the skills necessary to be healthy, self-sufficient members of the community. MHP is always accepting applications for the school year. Pregnant and parenting teens that live in Broken Arrow are eligible to attend, but enrollment is limited.

Why Choose Mentoring Healthy Parents program?

Pregnancy and parenting bring many new and unexpected challenges to an adolescent’s life, but with encouragement and support, teen families can and do succeed. Broken Arrow Public Schools is dedicated to providing young teen families with the skills necessary to be healthy, self-sufficient members of the community through our Mentoring Healthy Parents program.

The Mentoring Healthy Parents program provides:

  • Academics in a school setting at the Broken Arrow Options Academy with other pregnant and parenting teens who share similar concerns and interests.

    • Male and female students can attend the BA Options Academy and receive one-on-one attention due to smaller class sizes.

    • Earn 9 credits per semester due to block scheduling at the BA Options Academy with the opportunity to earn more with Work Study or Edgenuity.

    • Attend a MHP class every day to obtain that additional support needed to be successful while earning a class credit.

  • Wrap-Around Services that provide Parenting and Life Skills education, Health Education, Counseling and Outreach Services, Vocational and Post- Secondary Services, and Childcare Hands-on experiences through one of our community partnerships:

    • St. John Medical/ Ascension

    • Early/ Head Start Centers

    • OSU Extension

    • Day Break Family Services

    • JAMES Inc.

    • Tulsa County Library- Broken Arrow South Office

    • Tulsa County Health Department

  • Opportunity to move forward in a very positive manner and can help turn a life-changing challenge into a life-changing opportunity.

MHP is always accepting applications for the school year. Pregnant and parenting (female/male) teens that live in the Broken Arrow Public Schools district are eligible to attend.

For more information about this program, please contact Shannon Turner at 918-259-4600.