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Broken Arrow Public Schools


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Bus Route Information

  1. Visit the online route information
  2. Username will consist of the first five letters of the student’s last name followed by their first initial and the student id/lunch number with each separated by a period.
    Example: young.j.123456
  3. Password will be the student's birthdate. Example - MMDDYYYY
  4. Once you get to the next screen, you will be prompted to change the password. Changing the password is a requirement. The new password must be at least nine characters and include at least one special character.
  5. Log in with new information.
  6. Under the "Students" tab, click "view my student(s)" to get your student's routing information.

*Vanguard Academy: Route information will show in the “transportation comment section” via the online route portal.

All freshman Vanguard Academy students will ride on the high school bus then shuttle over to Vanguard. In the afternoon, if a student returns to the Freshman Academy for the last hour, they will ride back on a shuttle bus. They will then ride their assigned freshman bus to their bus stop. If a student stays at Vanguard all day, they will shuttle back to the high school to ride home on their assigned high school bus.

*Options Academy and Early College High School: Route information will show in the “transportation comment section” via the online route portal.

If your child attends Options Academy or Early College High School, pending their grade level, they will be transported to the high school OR Freshman Academy, where they will transfer to buses that will take them to their respective schools. In the afternoon, buses will depart from Options or Early College High School to take them back to the high school or Freshman Academy for their bus ride home.

If you have any questions please email babus@baschools.org or call 918-259-4550 for the Transportation Department.